4D 4PP RS Meter
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FOUR DIMENSIONS INC. is located in California and has manufactured advanced semiconductor probing systems since 1978. We provide Four-Point Probes with an extended measurement range for sophisticated probing of compound semiconductor wafers.
280PI/280SI 4PP Station for 200mm or 156mm x 156mm Features
- Semi-Auto Sheet Resistivity Meter
- Measurement Range 1m W/sq to 800K W/sq
- extended range up to 8E11 W/sq
- temperature compensation option
- up to to 8" wafer capability or 156mm x 156mm
- stand alone systems and PC controlled systems with Automap software package
Model 233AC/ 233AS / 333AC / 333AF 4PP Station for 200mm/300mm Features:
- Fully Automated Cassette to Cassette System with SMIF/FOUP option
- Sheet Resistance Measurement Range 1m W/sq to 800K W/sq
- extended range up to 8E11 W/sq
- up to to 8"/12" wafer capability
- Automap software package
- SECS-II communication available
- Automatic probe-head switching available
Jandel - Four-Point-Probe Heads
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Jandel Engineering Ltd. 成立於1967年(具備超過50年以上的專業經驗), 是英國專門製造四點探針頭的廠商,各大廠牌阻值量測系統,例如: KLA-Tencor/Prometrix、CDE ResMap、4D、Napson等,已廣泛使用於國內代工、記憶體、封測及面板廠等客戶,依據量測需求有多種規格可以選擇,歡迎洽詢。
Cartridge probe with 6-way connector (KLA/Tencor)
Cartridge probe with 6-way connector (CDE)
Cylindrical four point probe head
Micro Point Pro (MPP) - Four-Point-Probe Heads
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Micro Point Pro (MPP)成立於 2010 年,收購了 Kulick & Sofa 四點探針頭及後端工具生產線,同時一併吸收了該生產線擁有超過 40 年專業知識和經驗豐富的員工。4PP探頭全在以色列製造、組裝、並通過內部嚴謹的品質檢驗。其4PP探頭OEM客戶有:KLA-Tencor、Napson 、Kokusai, etc,尚有各式四點探針針頭可供選購或客製。
MPP is a world renowned, leading manufacturer of Four Point Probe (4PP) heads for resistivity measurements of wafers and thin conductive films.
MPP’s 4PP are commonly used in applications such as:
▪ Resistivity measurement of silicon wafers
▪ 4-point measurement of epitaxial, ion-implanted and defused layers
▪ 4-point measurement of metallic and other thin films
MPP’s Probe Head Features and Advantages:
▪ Tungsten Carbide needles with low friction Ruby guides
▪ A wide range of probe tip radii and needle spacings
▪ Individual needle pressure adjustment
▪ Variety of probe head designs : Fell, Cylindrical, others..
▪ Option for customization
▪ Refurbishment program available
MPP’s probe heads are being used across the globe on the most well-known wafer resistivity measuring equipment such as KLA, Kokusai, Napson and other systems.
MPP is a world renowned, leading manufacturer of Four Point Probe (4PP) heads for resistivity measurements of wafers and thin conductive films.
MPP’s 4PP are commonly used in applications such as:
▪ Resistivity measurement of silicon wafers
▪ 4-point measurement of epitaxial, ion-implanted and defused layers
▪ 4-point measurement of metallic and other thin films
MPP’s Probe Head Features and Advantages:
▪ Tungsten Carbide needles with low friction Ruby guides
▪ A wide range of probe tip radii and needle spacings
▪ Individual needle pressure adjustment
▪ Variety of probe head designs : Fell, Cylindrical, others..
▪ Option for customization
▪ Refurbishment program available
MPP’s probe heads are being used across the globe on the most well-known wafer resistivity measuring equipment such as KLA, Kokusai, Napson and other systems.