4D Mercury CV Application Chart
Mercury Probe C-V map Systems:
Measurement techniques Capacitance-Voltage (CV):
- Cd (square wave deep pulse)
- Cq (square wave quasi static)
- Ch (square wave high frequency)
- Sinusoidal Ch (Agilent 4192A, 4285 A, Keithley 590)
Current Voltage
- Current range 10fA to 1mA, Voltage range up to +/-100V
- Extended Voltage range +/- 1000V (Keithley 2410, 237)
- Constant current
- Constant voltage
- Multi-terminal IV curves (pseudo MOST technique)
Silicon Oxide And Gate Material, Characterization And Integrity Monitoring:
- Cox (Oxide capacitance)
- tox (Oxide thickness)
- K value (dielectric constant)
- K-f (frequency dependent dielectric constant)
- teq (equivalent oxide thickness)
- Vfb (flat band voltage)
- Dit (Interface trap density)
- (Sheet) Resistance and Resistivity measurement of SiO2 and semi-insulating materials
- TDDB (Time dependent dielectric breakdown) tests:
- tbd (time to breakdown)
- Qbd (Charge to Breakdown)
- Vbd (ramp breakdown Voltage)
- Defect density (Density of defect causing early breakdown, e.g. Pinhole density)
- Cumulative
Compound Semiconductors
- N(W) Carrier density profiling
- Resistivity of semi-insulating substrates or layers
- Pinch-off Voltage
High Resistivity Materials
- I-V (Current vs. Voltage)
- (Sheet) Resistance and Resistivity measurement
Ferroelectric materials
- K-E (dielectric vs. electric field)
- P-E (polarization vs. electric field)
- K-f (dielectric vs. frequency) with Model 192 probe station
- K-T (dielectric vs. temperature) with temperature chamber for Tc (Curie temperature)
- Hysteresis loop